Search Results
Predictive Policing and the Patterns of Policy
Mireile Kaufmann: Predictive Policing and the Politics of Patterns
Predictive Policing: A Forecasting and Prevention Model
Predictive policing: Crime prevention or profiling? | Techtopia
Harper Lecture: Urban Crime Prediction: The Data, Ethics, and Biases of Predicting Events
Predictive policing Veronika Nuretdinova
The danger of predictive algorithms in criminal justice | Hany Farid | TEDxAmoskeagMillyard
Predictive Policing and National Security
Council of Europe AI and Law Breakfasts session 6 - Predictive policing and Rule of Technology
AI in Predictive Policing
Ihaka 2019: Algorithmic fairness: Examples from predictive models for criminal justice
Crimeophobia Defence: Importance of Predictive Policing #BPR&D